Friday, September 22, 2006
The direction of our lives are determined by 2 words.
YES and NO
-Do you want to eat now?
YES (you get to eat now/grow fat cos u just ate 5 mins ago)
NO (you get gastric/you eat in moderation and continue to be slim)
- Should I study today?
YES (study today and be on par with the rest/overstress yourself)
NO (study tomorrow and lag behind/have fun today)
-Do you want to be my girlfriend?
YES (you might be his future wife/his next ex-girlfriend)
NO (you might have given up a great guy/saved yourself a lot of trouble)
-Do you want to go to italy?
YES (you might have the time of your life/the plane could crash and byebye to u)
NO (you would save a lot of money/you might have missed a once in a life time opportunity)
EVERYTHING in life is either yes or no. simple words, added together, they form ONLY 5 alphabets. but why is it so difficult to decide which to use and when? I guess that's why they made the word MAYBE. but MAYBE is just a stall word. In the end, you would still have to say yes or no. it's just life. you can't escape!
charlyn recorded history @
5:00 PM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
haha.. i'm posting again. I studied today, so i feel ok. It's like a drug or something. muahaha... anyways.... 2 days ago, the zinc sink in my pantry (30cm x 30cm and 20cm deep.) seemed to be choke as water didn't go down too well. And whoever who threw whatever inside to choke it... damn you inconsiderate person! and then worse still... people continued to use the sink even tho it was OBVIOUSLY stuck and would end up being filled and overflow. and if you think that's bad, someone threw duno what kind of water inside and it became a thick dirty green colour. AND a brainless fly drowned in it. so yea... it was filty and gross. i mean yuck! WHY dun they be a little more considerate since EVERYONE lives there. it is as much their sink as it is mine.
So i decided to write a note and paste it up yesterday. it read " Hi everyone, as you can see, the sink is stuck so please stop putting water in it otherwise it's gona overflow, flood the place and drown us all!!" And guess wad, before i ate dinner, it was still stuck and now it is not stuck anymore. Whoever who cleaned it is really something. unless the person who cleaned it is the person who got it stuck, then it's her responsibility to clean it up.
Happy birthday to me and geng xianie! yeay! my birthday celebrations should never end! they put straws to substitue candles. i could DRINK my cake! haha The picture at the bottom is my family puttin their fingers into my ice-cream cake!

charlyn recorded history @
10:15 PM
I just realised i have cried once a week for the past four weeks. I just feel so bogged down with work. like i have this crazy need to study, and if i dun, i just feel really scared. i can't imagine what happened that made me feel this way. i know i'm afraid that the competition is gona be really steep with all these jc students. i also take a long time to understand what's being taught. and i just keep thinking i have to study 2x harder than anyone. maybe i'm just stressing myself for no reason. maybe i'm just over ambitous. maybe i just dun like failure. I don't think i'm gona have a nervous breakdown, but i hate this feeling.
it's not like i wana be like that. how i wish i could have guilt free wasting of time. how i wish happiness was in my heart again. how i wish it was march, how i wish it was april. how i wish i could feel carefree and hear my own laughter ringing in my ears. i was really so happy. maybe now's the payback. like how they always say "dun laugh so much, later you will cry".
charlyn recorded history @
7:30 PM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
I have NO FREE TIME. remember my calculations? there were some omissions. I did not add in time for hall stuff and friends. In poly the friends area could have been lacking. but now i duno how come i suddenly seem to have a life. haha... I mean it's nice to have a life and all, but then i got so many things to do. As in i constantly have readings to read and there is just no time to idle freely cos there is something i HAVE to do. and by idling, the opportunity cost is my readings. unlike poly when i idle, and the opportunity cost is shopping.
ARGH..... the whole week i've been stressing and it's not cos i haven't been studying. it's precisely cos i've been doing lots of readings. I can't rem much of what i've read. i'm still lagging behind new media reading and a lot a lot in south asia reading. and it takes me so long cos i dun understand wad i read and i have to read it again to understand but sometimes i still dun understand. haha... damn... i really dunno how i'm gona be able to make it thru. The only time i study like that in poly is when exams are one week away. I guess the reason why i'm like that is cos i duno what to expect.
Anyways i was feeling like shit the whole week. I also duno why. but i think it's cos of all the work i have to do and it just overwhelemed me. but yesterday i duno why i just felt happy. haha... it's nice to feel happy. and for the first time in a while i felt like i am becoming me again. Like when i look back on the happy times i dun feel sad that it's gone. I just smile that i was happy.
When you try not to think about something the more you would think about it cos by trying to block it out you are thinking of it. And if you think you can distract yourself by keeping yourself busy (just like me) you're mistaken. Cos somehow the brain is really powerful and no matter how busy you are, what u're trying not to think about always seems to find time to creep up to you. so i realised theres no point in struggling. You should just think as much as you want and then you'd get bored of thinking about what you're thinking and it'd just go away. yup! haha...
CHecK out my birthday cake! muahaha.... i made the person rewrite the "char rocks" cos at first it really sucked. but after rewritting, it looks neater... but still not very nice. haha.. but at least it's readable.
charlyn recorded history @
12:55 PM