Sunday, December 31, 2006
Bye 2006
I've been wanting to write something about 2006 for a long while. I guess now would be the best time for some reflection since it's just a few more hours before 2006 is over.I think 2006 is one of the longest year i've ever had. It seems like i lived a whole life time this year. I'm not kidding you, it really is that dramatic. hahaha... 1st quarter:Slogging away in my last semester of poly, with group mates that i was quite apprehensive about. In the end, it wasn't all that bad. God is really good to me cos i still did alright in my last sem working with ppl i haven't worked w before. Sailed in my last regatta.2nd quarter:Long holiday. It was quite agonizing cos i had to worry day and night about whether i would be able to get into any local uni. i hit the "jackpot". I was really happy and had a lot of fun. But i guess something was missing and something wasn't perfect right from the start, even tho it seemed perfect. I learnt a lot about myself, about what i want, about what my weaknesses are, about what my stregths are, about making important decisions. yea, you get the idea. i think i feel a little older, a little wiser. Went on my first overSEA trip to redang with my sailing friends. it was GREATTTTT!!! I can't wait to go somewhere with them again.Official graduation from poly. i'm a diploma holder!!3rd quarter:I got accepted into NUS arts n social science. THANK GOD!! i was so darn relieved. seriously. i just hugged the huge brown envelope and cried for i duno how long. I made a promise to work damn hard cos many ppl aren't as blessed as me.Arts camp. Moved into hostel, King Edward IIV.Started school... this was a really tough period for me. I was so stressed i kept crying for no reason. luckily in private only otherwise ppl wld think i've really gone bonkers. haha.. my parents are really so supportive of me. I love them so much. 4th quarter:Struggled to survive in school. Balance work and play. God really showed me little miracles and signs and sent me people to encourge me and motivate me to persevere and not give up studying. He also gave me good groupmates and good friends.In the end, all my hardwork paid off. My crazy study schedule that i followed closely for the first time. Everything, all the tears, the heartbreak.. everything was worth it when i got my results that i did not expect. Glory to God. Went to Korea with my sec sch friends sheri and dot. Had such an unforgettable time. Now that this year is coming to a close, i just pray that God will continue to bless me like he always has. May the new year bring new beginnings. I think today's prayer of confession in the bulletin is somthing i need to constantly pray.Lord, we confess that the worry of our lives reveals a lack of trust in You. We have brought unnecessary stress upon ourselves by doing things our way instead of Yours.We have tried to live on our own resources, forgetting that You are the source of everything we need for life and godliness.We have relied on our own wisdom, doubting that you will generously give far greater wisdom to all who ask.We have trusted in our own plans for the future, neglecting to commit our ways to You. We have pursued our own interests and needs ahead of Your kingdom and righteousness.Forgive us, O Lord, for our lack of trust. Teach us instead to walk in the surpassing knowledge that You are in control. Help us to know deeply that because You are our refuge and our strengtn, that we can stand firm even in the face of trials, uncertainty, and want. We are dependent on You to live lives that are pleasing to You. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.
charlyn recorded history @
2:11 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
Trying to jump into the frozen river at the "da chang jing" set
Our first meal in Korea!
Super long tao gay!!
Pigging out on the first night
All geared up to ski, but wait... must eat finish first.
Everland. We put the cam on timer on top of a dustbin! haha..
At some palace with our little boy daryl and keith
Sheri and I playing with our yummy food
More ice cream!!
Our fav little boy!! daryl! isn't he just the cutest thing!
charlyn recorded history @
5:35 PM
I have so much to blog abt i duno where to start. haha... i've been really quite busy after coming back from korea. Its back to having trainings almost everyday and christmas and painting my house. I'm so tired!!! KOREA!! ok... frankly if u asked me i really cannot remember what the places we went to were called. Not only was the tour in chinese, we weren't paying much attention most of the time. hahaha hmmm... I must say that korea is a really beautiful place. but the most exciting activity of the trip is undoubtly skiing! Tho i fell down like COUNTLESS times which caused me many bruises and had a leg cramp and even crashed into the barrier at the side of the slope, it was damn fun! ahhaha... the theme park Everland was also not bad. its like building fantasy into reality which is just so... nice. like disneyland and universal studios. we made friends with most of the ppl in our tour grp. most of them were small families. Our group was the largest group, with me, sheri, dot, dionne and her bf. There was this boy, daryl. OMG he has got to be the sweetest boy around!! he played with us and waited for us and aiya... just a lota sweet little gestures. and he calls me "pretty charlene" muahahaha... dun ask how that came about. hahaha...but he is just so darn cute and he's only 5 but he's damn mature for his age. I miss him so much. All in all, even tho this trip was short, had a boring itenery and expensive, it was sheri and dot's company that made this trip so wonderful and worth it. I love them! I can't wait to go on our next trip!! haha...
charlyn recorded history @
4:39 PM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I'm leaving for korea in less then 24hrs time and i'm not even halfway packed. I just keep procrastinating cos I just dun really feel that psyched about going anymore leh... like i looked at the itenery again just now and i'm quite bumbed... skiing is just 1 day, and the spa is in the night on the same day as skiing. JUST ONE MISERABLE DAY... and the rest of the time we're just visiting stuff which i'm not exactly dying to see... all the customary stuff. I'm not complaining, cos at least i get to go overseas with 2 of my great friends, dot and sheri. but i guess we could have done more with our money. $1456 is a lot for 6 days which actually is essentially 4 days if u cut out 2 days of travelling to and fro. We dun even get to shop much!!! like prolly less then 3hrs of shopping..... boohoo... i feel really bad if i dun enjoy this trip cos my parents are paying for me cos they wana reward me for getting into uni and studying hard and also my birthday cum christmas cum new year present. hahaha... I really hope to make the best of this trip since i already paid for it. okok... everything is gona be ok. My family is gona be back frm japan on the 26th while i'm returning on the 23rd which means i'm gona spend christmas w/o them for the first time in my entire life......... i wonder how tt's gona work out.
charlyn recorded history @
10:15 PM
I did not manage to survive saturday. I lasted till about 9pm at the church's 2nd nite of cafe 77, and i cldn't take it anymore. Thank goodness i drove, i can't imagine taking public transport around yesterday. haha.. When i went home, i was running a temperature. luckily ruby was around to make those chinese herbal drinks my mum wld make, cos my parent's and siblings all went to japan (which is why i'm spending christmas by myself cos they're only coming back on the 26th and i'll be back from korea on the 23rd). Ruby is so funny la.. she says she wants to be my maid next time when i get married. hahaha....I didn't go to church cos i was feeling quite terrible, but i'm feeling much better now. LESSON LEARNT: Know your limits.I seriously tot i cld handle all my 3 sports back to back plus waitressing later tt nite at church. but i guess i was wrong. Hockey took a great deal outta me cos the pitch was so darn big and the sun was so darn hot and i have a sun burn now which i haven't had since i last sailed w/o a cap. hahaha... But i think knowing your limit is actually a really tough thing cos how would you know your limit if u haven't pushed it to the max, and the max being dropping dead. hahaha... I guess tt's why ppl often overestimate or underestimate themselves. You know which category i fall under, cos i think i'm wonderwoman. hahaha...There was a "leak" in the sch system which allowed ppl to check their results before the official release. I managed to check my results, and i am super duper wuper happy with it. BUT many ppl think tt it is not the REAL results, this may not have been moderated. If its not been moderated then i think i'd prolly do worse then i did, cos the modules i took were rather easy as they were mostly exposures. but still, thank God i didn't get any Cs! you have no idea how much pressure i keep putting on myself cos i'm from poly and all, so i have to study doubly hard. If this is the real results then i'm really motivated to get my honours, first class. hahaha.... Thank you God!!!
charlyn recorded history @
3:00 PM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
they say good things have to wait
We're back to the topic of waiting again. This is a real test of my patience. I haven't been so excited about something like this for such a long time i tot i lost that ability to feel this way already. hahaha... Everything just seems right for now, but then i have to wait. damn... I know i have to wait, which sucks a lot cos i'm such a kan chiong spider. And u know i have a bad feeling that cos i want it, it won't happen. like the opposite always happens. I'm trying not to think about it, but i really want it to work out properly so bad... hahaha...The coffee night event in church was not bad. The serving of food was way disorganised, but at least everyone got what they ordered even if it took a long time. hahaha... I love christmas songs! They(the christian christmas songs) remind you the real meaning of christmas, that Jesus was born for all men!
charlyn recorded history @
12:05 AM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
super happening
My life after exams have been super happening. Its almost 2 weeks since hols has started for me and i haven't even slacked for one whole day at home yet. Let's just talk abt this week...
Monday: Go back to hall to paint IHG banner and design IHG poster. Then had softball theory lesson. (ya i'm in softball now. Adding on the my list of ccas, hockey, handball, sports comm and PR comm)
Tuesday: Hockey at 7am at delta pitch. I had to wake up at like 5.45am which was crazy but kinda fun since i haven't done tt in a while. Then met zara to SHOP!! haha.. i was so dead tired, but i cld still shop. retail therepy. haha.. then i went to watch "Jack and the bean sprout" a local musical with my family. It's a DAMN good show. Seriously.. if its still on, u shld go watch it. its really creative, and commical, of course theres lots of satire, its a singapore production afterall. haha...
Wednesday: Back to hall again to redesign the poster which was rejected, then had PR comm meeting which was rather short. but got to meet up with mei for a while. I miss them(mei, mag, jan). Then in the evening i met up with my sailing friends for dinner at ms clarity which is a super cute place. then we went to zouk. i dun think i can be an alcoholic cos i'm damn bad at drinking... i met this cute guy. whahaha.. ok.. i feel quite shameless..haha..
Thursday: Hockey pitch training at 12pm super hot. then it started to pour n we played in the rain. It was fun until we had to go into the shade then we all felt so...moist? haha... met sheri for dinner. then went back to hall for softball training. MY FIRST softball training. Compared with Hockey and Handball, i think i'm quite talented in softball, other than my retarted catching, the trowing seems fine so far. hahaha..
thats only for the days tt passed. on friday nite theres the coffee nights at church, i volunteered to be a waitress. whahaha... saturday nite also. saturday is gona be a crazy day. Morning theres handball, followed by hockey in the afternoon, then softball and then waitressing at coffee nights. Every part of my body is so tired and achey now... i really duno how i'm gona last the next few days. I dun wana die before i go to korea on monday. hahaha...
charlyn recorded history @
11:49 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006
I go crazyHello boy it's been a while
Guess you'll be glad to know
That I've learned how to laugh and smile
Getting over you was slow
They say old lovers can be good friends
But I never thought I'd really see you
I'd really see you again
I go crazy
When I look in your eyes I still go crazy
No my heart just can't hide that old feelin' inside
Way deep down inside
Oh, baby, you know when I look in your eyes I go crazy
You say she satisfies your mind
Tells you all of her dreams
I know how much that means to you
I realize that I was blind
Just when I thought I was over you
I see your face and it just ain't true
I go crazy
When I look in your eyes I still go crazy
That old flame comes alive, it starts burning inside
Way deep down inside
Oh, baby, you know when I look in your eyes I go crazy
I go crazy
You know when I look in your eyes I go crazy
I go crazy
You know when I look in your eyes I go crazy
No my heart just can't hide that old feelin' inside
Way deep down inside
I go crazy
i dislike love songs like this... they make u feel sad. Then again, they make u feel like u're not the only sad soul. Maybe feeling the pain all at one shot is better then having little little bits bite at u for a long while. you know, that lingering effect that lasts damn long. ya, tt sucks. it makes matters worse if u live in a state called denial, of which i'm probably queen. I realised, after talking to a few of my friends that whatever i'm in is not complicated at all. In fact, everything is simple, not messy and straight forward. I'm just a bit messed up inside because of myself and not because circumstances are complex. I really am very bless compared to some of them. really. So what is my dumbass problem when i dun have a problem?! Or maybe it's just normal. I duno and i dun expect to find an answer. anyways, girls out loud is a damn funny show. i tot it wld be really lame, but i duno why i find myself laughing at what they're doing. I find it quite amusing. even my parents quite like it. hahaha...
charlyn recorded history @
11:46 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
I realised i like ppl to call me by my nick names. char, charlie brown... what have u. hahah... Its so warm and friendly. haha...I watched royston tan's "15", the movie yesterday. Its really quite scary and sad, at the same time very insightful. Its about a few stories of a few boys who are like ah beng gangsters and they're all 15 years old. They've done all sorts of bad things from skipping school to fighting to smuggling drugs etc.. these stories are based on real life experiences of these boys who are really gangsters, or rather wayward teens. What really suprised me about this movie is the way friendship was so important to these boys. Probably because they come from broken families and the only ppl they can rely on are these "brothers" so they actually really risk life and limb for their "brothers". I used to think this kind of "sacrifices" were unnecessary and this kind of "loyalty" was rather silly. but after watching this movie, I dun think so anymore. I dun exactly know how someone becomes a gangster or how they start mixing with bad company, but my guess is prolly lack of love and guidence. And this kind of "brotherhood" is really important to them cos they have nothing else to live for. thus the unquestioned risking of life and limb. Its not tt they're trying to be hero or what, its just that these ppl are like family to them so they're willing to do anything for each other. I actually think it's quite sweet. haha...Someone shld make a movie about ah lians. hahaha.. i wonder how tt'd be like. haha..
charlyn recorded history @
1:30 PM
Friday, December 08, 2006
New template
OK! no more berry cranberry! I'm so proud of myself. The original template looks nothing like this modified version and i'm loving it! I like the way its so organized and so easy to look at. hahaha... like you dun need to keep scrolling down so much cos theres such a huge space for the post. haha..The holidays are passing by WAY too quickly. Its already friday!! I want to sleep, but then i don't wana waste play time. I really love guilt-free partying. But theres still this little thing bugging me about school. Its prolly the module preference nonsense which i am still confused and undecided about.
I've got so many things to do and so little time. Sherilyn is back from auz, and we had a stayover at dorothy's house on wednesday night, which was a lot of fun. We have really missed out a lot of each others life, considering we used to be in each others life almost every weekday during secondary school. We're going to korea together 2 mondays away. I can't wait to go to the SPA!!! muahahaha
charlyn recorded history @
6:21 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Why is it that i can't escape from maths? why is it that it seems that all my "interest" have got statistics in them?! Maths is SO NOT my thing man. I'm so bad at maths that i still use my fingers to count. and STATISTICS?! that's like maddnesssssssssssssssssssss..... i remembered how i suffered during Biz Stats. and SPSS? gosh!!!!!!! I wanted to kill myself. I know i've been thru SPSS kinda 2x with market research and buyer behavior, but i'm still damn scared of it. it's so complicated and scary. I think i have mathsphobia muahahaha... I was deciding btw majoring in psych or New Media, and sadly both have statistics in them!!!! even if i do business studies i also would have to do statistics. I think i just have to resign to my fate and start studying some maths this holiday. SIGHS... Anyways, I'm reading all these major requirements and honors requirements and it's getting me all confused man. So complicated i just wana give up and blame it on learned helplessness!! haha... I think i wana change the template. But then i've been having it berry cranberry since i got this blogger acc in 2003~! change or dun change, change or dun change??
charlyn recorded history @
12:37 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
My exams are finally over. My first semester is finally over. goodness... even when i look back now, i still think it was long and agonizing. Now i just have to wait for the results which wld tell me if i'm one of those ppl who study so hard n nv do well kind. which is very sad. I always empathize with those ppl and I feel their pain even more now. anyways, i think this holiday is definately gona pass like super damn fast cos i want it to last really long. WHY IS IT THE OPPOSITE ALWAYS HAPPENS?! huh huh???
Anyways, I started this secret experiment where I observe the number of times my dad snorts and the intervals between the snorts which sound like grunting also. I sat outside my parents room for abt 1hr last night, and my dad snorted like 20 times! and the not counting some long breaks, the average time btw each snort is about 1 min. I'll have to observe a few more nights before i confirm my diagnosis. I suspect my dad has sleep apnea, a sleeping disorder where a person stops breathing for about 10 secs or more then gasps for air which sounds like snorting,grunting or gasping. And sleep apnea is a very serious problem, because sleep is very very important, so says my psych textbook. hahaha...
charlyn recorded history @
10:05 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
My other blog that I share with my 2 lovely girls, candice and zara is more or less done!! zara came over to my hostel to visit me today :) and we did it up. it's so nice! i just can't stop saying that it's so nice cos it really is so much nicer than my this blog. hahaha.. but it really is so nice! i totally love it! yeay! it's still lacking in information since we only just started it. hahah... the blog's add is on my links triptych! which means "3 painted panels forming a whole work of art" which i think is so meaningful! we looked up a dictionary to find that name! hahaha... Anyways today's psychology paper kinda sucked. Sighs... its so sad that its so difficult even though i like it so much.
charlyn recorded history @
8:33 PM