Monday, January 29, 2007
all play no work
i've been playing every single weekend since school started. that makes 3 weeks. I bring my books back to study but i end up hardly even reading them. now i'm really damn behind. I haven't started reading 2 module's readings yet. I'm damn scared but i duno why i can't seem to get moving. argh...
Anyways, last friday after church, candice zara n i went out out about town. whahaha.. i really love spending time with them and being crazy. haha..
On saturday night, went out with my sailing friends. we ate this really nice chicken rice n steamboat thingy, and we went to ktv to sing songs. hahaha... its like my 2nd time at a ktv n i usually dun like ktv stuff, but i really had lots of fun!! here are some pics.

On monday i went shopping with eugeney! it was so much fun!! i haven't laughed so much while shopping before. hahaha... i managed to buy a really nice top and a really short skirt, tho it wasn't on my "things to buy" list. hahaha..
charlyn recorded history @
10:34 PM
Friday, January 26, 2007
depth of shallowness
recently i did a survey, and one of the questions was like this...A. I would date someone physically excitingB. I would date someone with the same values as meI pondered over that question for a really long time cos you could only chose one and you could not skip the question. Even though it is just a survey and i could just anyhow answer, but i would really like to know my own true answer to that question. If i chose A, it'd be really shallow of me. but who won't wana date someone physically exciting?? highlight EXCITING. I would! hahaha.. If i chose B, that'd be the morally correct answer, and yes of couse i'd love to date someone with the same values as me, in fact, i'd wana marry someone with the same values as me. But i want that person to be physically exciting too!! is that considered shallow? haha... i would really like to have both. But if really put to the test, i really won't be able to predict my own answer. I pray that God will send me someone who has the same values as me and is physically exciting too. hahaha... In the end, i did answer the question, but i'm not gona tell u my answer, cos i'm not sure of it myself. haha..
charlyn recorded history @
5:55 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
i'm super traumatized. super duper. I don't believe that such things really happen. I mean i know these things happen. but then cos i nv see it or hear it personally so i pretend that everything is nice and nothing like that happens. you know how i'm always in denial. that includes my denial about the world being a bad place.So yesterday we were having handball training in the basketball court. it was about 10 plus then we heard some weird noises coming from the block next to the court. At first i tot someone was crying really loudly cos the block isn't really that close to the court. Then after a while my team mates stopped playing and started looking at the block. i realised it was more like moaning can.... how gross is that!! and the window was open and the lights were on. The moaning was really DAMN FREAKY! I mean...... i know what they're doing that's why the noises are produced. it's just damn sick. DAMN SICK...the worst thing i've seen is walking into some ppl kissing in the pantry. but this.... this is so much worse, even tho i didn't really see anything. i'm so traumatized... seriously. reality is such a bitch.
charlyn recorded history @
2:07 PM
Monday, January 22, 2007
scary sunday
yesterday was sunday. I took over the kindergarden sunday school class tt i help out in cos the teacher was away. I really like the kids, even though they may be difficult or irritating sometimes. But i duno why i still like them so much. Anyways, yesterday something damn scary happened. As we were doing art n craft, all 4 of us adults, zara, candice, aunty connie n i were busy helping the kids out with art n craft when suddenly i heard a sickening thud. When i turned around i saw one of the kids, benjamin lying on the floor facing up, not moving, eyes opened. aunty connie who was nearest to him rushed to him. she's his real aunty. she turned him on his side and lifted his head, patted his cheek asking him how is he. He didn't respond. it was damn scary. then Ean, another kid was like.. benjamin fall down and died. then cand told him not to sprout nonsense. it was damn scary. but luckily he was alright. i guess he was prolly just in shock thats why he didn't respond. Apparently he jumped from the table and fell. super scary rite... oh man.. i really hope they dun do this kinda stuff anymore or i'll get a heart attack. hahaOn saturday, daryl's 21st b'day party was a blast. I haven't met up with the guys for such a long time... like more then 6mths?! hahaha.. and it was fun cos we got to pretend to be kinky i guess. hahaha.. i'll post some pics when i recieve them from sheri.
charlyn recorded history @
11:05 PM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The perfect soft toy
i think stuffed animals aka soft toys is a rather silly idea for a present. Especially to someone my age. So u know what NOT to get me for my birthday or any other occasion. However, i do believe that there is a perfect soft toy out there that i would not mind recieving. It should be big enough for me to hug. It should have enough stuffing inside to hug comfotably. It should NOT be furry, but it should not be rough either. It should be something I can dump into the washing machine and wash without worrying if the colour would run, or if the cotton inside would lump together. It should be in the shape of something easy to hug, like a monkey or a broccoli. haha.. But then.... i think it is damn difficult to find a soft toy like that. so just don't give me any soft toys unless i ask u for one. hahaha..
charlyn recorded history @
5:49 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
get your nerd on
ok... i seriously need to turn my nerd mode on. week 2 already!! and i'm still so slack. I am behind in my readings and i'm not studying as much as last sem when it was this time. argh.. and its not cos i'm too busy to study. Its cos i'm like lazy and procrastinating cos i still wana holiday. This is so stupid.I went out with dot n sheri to buy daryl's present yesterday. As we were walking around, we bumped into dionne. What a coincidence!! so the 4 of us shopped around. OMG... i REALLY wana shop somemore leh. recently everytime i go out to shop i buy something back (thankfully i dun shop that often if not i'd be totally broke. but i'm on my way to becoming that already) argh... i wana shop. but i need to study. seriously need to study.
charlyn recorded history @
8:20 AM
Monday, January 15, 2007
lazy bum
I feel so super lazy. I've been putting off reading my research text since friday night!! that's like how long ago. now i'm like behind time. argh. i just don't feel like doing anything constructive still. I need to FOCUS. argh.. I watched last night. IT is such a good show! i watched it in the cinema too when it came out abt 2 yrs ago. and i rem that the show was so interesting because the cinema seem to become colder as the temperature in the show got lower. hahaha.. All of us at home were wrapped in blankets watching the show in our living room together last night. hahaha... Maybe the day after tomorrow would happen soon since it's been raining so crazily. its so scary, the weather. I don't like it to rain like that. I can't wear my nice new off white coloured wedges in this condition. it'd get dirty! and it can't get wet somemore. argh....My mum's been asking me what i want to do for my 21st b'day party cos she says we gotta plan it in advance. haha... she seems more excited then me. Maybe its cos i dun want to think abt all the preparations that has to go into planning the party so i dun wana think about it. and also i dun exactly wana grow older. i still want my mummy n daddy to sign my consent forms that i've been forging since secondary school. whahahaha... haiya.. just thinking about getting older freaks me out cos even tho the time passes, i don't feel like i'm really getting older. but then i know that i am older and that more responsibility is piling up on me. Like in 8 months i can be my sister's legal gaurdian. hahaha... and growing older means i have less time to do stuff like.... hmm... like finding a good guy to spend the rest of my life with. whahaha... and when i'm 21 i'm an adult in the eyes of the law. not that i'm planning to do anything illegal. Just that its scary to be an adult. have u seen the way they behave? hahahaha... they're so mature and not childish. and i still feel like doing crazy stuff like singing out loud to songs i like in shops that happen to play it. I still feel like dancing for fun in the aisle of supermarkets. And when u're an adult, ppl dun forgive u so easily for ur mistakes cos u're SUPPOSED to know stuff. and u can't rely on being cute and acting pathetic to get out of sticky situations. (that really sucks for me) hahaha.. Sighs.. what will come will come i guess. no point in trying to run away cos u can't escape from time.
charlyn recorded history @
3:14 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Week one
What a way to kick start the new semester. I dropped a module after the 1st lecture. Medical sociology. Lesson learnt: don't be desperate when you don't really have to. Luckily it was before the last round of bidding and i could still bid for a history module and i got it. If not i'd just be taking 4 mods this sem, which i actually can afford to do because of my exemptions.I've been watching the episodes of girls out loud i've missed on youtube, and it is really a damn funny show. I really love it. hahaha... I've moved back into hall.. i must say that i'm more used to it already. Like i don't feel so sad and all by myself kind of thing. Maybe cos i'm kinda busy with hall stuff now. but once it dies down i'd prolly be couped up in my room studying all day again. haha... I spent $50 on 2 textbooks. Why do i buy textbooks? it is because when i buy them i feel the obligation to use them to the fullest so i don't waste my investment. i still have one text to buy.I need to be a better person.
charlyn recorded history @
5:27 PM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
my problem is that i plan too much. i plan everything in advance. anything that can be planned is planned. may not be written on a piece of paper, but its in my mind. and i think this may not be so good... cos when my plans dun go as planned, i dun feel happy rite? and things as usual, usually dun go as planned. Like the things u least expect to happen will happen, and the things that u plan to happen wld not go as u expect them to. why is that so? man proposes, God disposes i guess.module bidding, plus pms, plus not having things go as planned, plus starting school next week is just not a good combination. i feel like crying cos things aren't going my way and sch is starting next week... its pms really. i need to focus. but thinking about studying makes me wana cry too.. all that hard work all over again. i feel tired n drained just thinking about it. sighs...Thank God for green tea ice cream, it really is such a comfort.
charlyn recorded history @
7:26 PM
yes! internet!
technology... dun we just love to hate it. people used to be able to live without it, but now... my internet was down for the whole week and cos i'm on holiday and have some time to burn, life w/o the internet was quite boring and painful. no msn, no researching, no module bidding, no checking emails. argh... but now it's back, and i have to bid for modules, and i hate module biddings. hahaha.. i'm glad the internet is working.welcoming 2007 was traditional. Dinner in church and then watchnight service. then on the 1st i spent the whole day packing my room. and finished packing it on the 2nd. a good way to start the new year i guess, throwing out old junk. haha..happy 2007!!
charlyn recorded history @
4:13 PM