Friday, February 23, 2007
history essay
I like history cos I think its interesting to know what happened in the past. but i HATE writing this history essay. Its so taxing. I just spent 5hrs today non-stop reading and taking notes to research for my history essay. argh.... and its still not done. not really even halfway. i'm so tired and i really wana stop but i can't. no i'm not gona whine, but i think this whole essay shit is damn mah fan!Yesterday while i was staying up researching, about 2am, someone started banging on my neighbour's metal gate. it was damn loud. the person kept asking my neighbour to let him in. "uncle, open the door. open the door. i'm not scared if u call the police". for like 10 mins the guy was just banging the gate to no avial. then finally my neighbour opened the door "Go home, please. can you please go home" then the guy said " i will not go home until i talk to ur daughter" wha... then a lot of drama la. scold vaulgarities all. but no fighting just arguing. he didn't get to talk to my neighbour's daughter tho. my bro n i just listened frm my room window. So KPO rite? like desperate housewives! whahhahaha...Sheri's leaving for auz tonight... prolly soon. I'm gona miss her so much. We had so much fun during the time she was back even though we didn't really meet up that many times, but it was a lot compared to the rest of the yr when where we didn't meet at all. Anyways we met up for the last time yesterday before her flight today. Can't wait for her to come back home again.
charlyn recorded history @
10:16 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
my new hat

I bought a hat last sunday. Nice right? I know what u must be thinking... why on earth would i buy a hat when i would hardly wear it. I guess there isn't much occasions to wear all the hats in my collection, but then i just like putting them on and walking around the house, wearing them out occasionally and looking at myself in my pretty hats. hahaha.. I LOVE HATS!
charlyn recorded history @
12:43 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007
i miss sailing so much
I feel passionless again... at least when i was sailing last time, i had lots of enthusiasm for it. i really loved doing something. but then.. i haven't sailed in... 11 months! it's almost one whole year that i haven't sailed when i used to sail every weekend. i miss it so much. i miss the feel of the boat, the being out at sea in the sun, the thrill of manuvering the boat, jibbing, tacking, hiking out, sheeting in and even capsizing! haha.. i want to sail so badly. argh...
At the Laser Open. Sighs.. those were the good old days!

charlyn recorded history @
10:46 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
my kid sister
In this week is the day that people spend more than $10 on a stalk of rose. This "special" day sparked a short but eyebrow raising conversation with my 10yr old sister. ok, she's 11 this yr but she's still a darn little kid. and the conversation was more like her talking. it went something like that...
Sis: Jie, do u know this wednesday is valentine's day?
Me: Yes....why?
Sis: Who is your valentine?
Me: No one. Who is YOUR valentine?
Sis: No one la! How come you don't have a valentine?
Me: Why should I have a valentine?
Sis: Because you are old! and you should have a valentine at your age. all the previous valentine's day you also didn't have a valentines. you are getting old, you should get a boyfriend before its too late.
Me:.................................. -__-Gosh...i really don't care about valentines day. what i care about is finding a guy that loves me, understands me, cares about me, complements me, encourages me, listens to me, pampers me, shares with me, someone compassionate, kind, gentle, a little shy but ambitious, someone with good taste, someone with the same values, tall, dark, acceptable looking (handsome would be too far fetched.. whaha),loves God, loves himself, loves his family, loves my family.
charlyn recorded history @
8:45 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
i fell during handball training yesterday.. scraped the skin on both knees and really big bruise on the side of one knee. but i guess i'm ok and it felt quite refreshing actually cos i haven't fell like that in probably 1 or 2 yrs? hahaha... i'm not sadistic and i dun like falling down but then i duno why it wasn't that bad. hahaha... but it hurts. Anyways my whole week was crappy. i was feeling crappy. like really horrid mood and my health wasn't too good either had fever n stomach weirdness, which made me have no appitite to eat, yet i'm hungry. weird har. and when i do eat i feel like puking after.
On friday was my hall's play. Letters from the Frontline. It was GREAT!! really professionally done. totally worth my $14. hahaha... the storyline, the sets, the actor and actresses... everything was really well co-ordinated.
My saturday was burned again. I had handballl from 8am-12pm then went for small group meeting at 4-6pm and then dionne's house for her home cooked dinner which was FANTASTIC!!! she cooked loads of stuff. i loved everything!! and her deserts are amazing! i feel so ashamed of myself cos i dun even like cooking maggi noodles. hhaha.. here r the pics of the foodddddd!

Dionne's rabbit that looks like a small dog/cat. it was damn big n furry!
charlyn recorded history @
8:33 AM