I am so blessed to have so many great friends. No, nothing particular happened to make me feel this way all of a sudden. I just feel like talking about how great they are. Life is so much more worth living with them around. My friends are such a strong support for me. I always believe that true friends inspire each other. They encourage each other to be the best they can be. They truly care. And something strange about great friends is that u have chemistry with them. Like even after a long time of not meeting up, when you finally do, u guys would still click like u met everyday.
These wonderful individuals tt i'm gona mention below are my cheerleaders, my shoulder to cry on, my essential dose of laughter and they take up LOADS of my memory space. haha...

Candice n Zara
These 2 girls rock my life! They're always there for me. Although i'm the eldest among them, they often have to put me in the right track. they always have to correct my terribly broken english, and put up with my crazy behavior, worse, my deepest darkest thoughts. whahaha... They're always only a phone call away. Can't wait to be the bridesmaid at their weddings. hahaha... for candice, za and i even picked out a dress already. hahaha...

Jan, mei n mag
These girls are like my sisters. actually come to think of it, i've known them even before i knew my own blood related sister. haha.. My dearest pri sch to sec sch friends. Although we only really became close after going to kcp, i guess it was being in the same pri sch tt brought us to each other in the first place. The 3 of them are always protecting me and treating me like their baby even though janice is actually the youngest. haha.. now, even tho we only meet up once in a while, they're always there to lend me their encouragement n support.

shimon, zhiyang, dorothy, sherilyn n daryl
Dot, sheri, daryl n i were only in the same class for half my sec sch life, and i was nv in the same class with shimon n zy, but somehow i can't remember how and i don't think i even know how, we became a little group. and since then we've always been celebrating each others birthdays, even tho of late we haven't really been doing that. but whenever we do meet up, we still have so much fun together. They were the best part abt sec sch. Esp sheri n dot. sec sch life wld have been hell w/o them. And i love that we're still such good friends even tho we seriously hardly meet. we really should meet up more often so i would miss them less. haha..
These girls, the R&D girls. hahaa... we went to cambodia together as a group. We learnt so much together and from each other. I wouldn't have wanted to survive cambodia with anyone else. We haven't met in almost 1 yr, but i'm sure when we do, it'd be a totally girly affair.
Last but not least, my sailors. I've nv been on a team until i joined np sailing. but i found out that it was more than a team i joined. I became part of the most HAPPENING family! (evident by the amt of pictures i have of them) We always have so much fun even though we might be out in a storm or crossing the finishing line of a race last together. Whenever i'm with them, all my troubles and worries seem to disappear. that doesn't mean they're only sunshine friends, cos when theres a storm, i'm sure they'll be there by my side too.
I Love my friends, even if i didn't happen to mention some of them in my post doesn't mean i don't appreciate them for just being my friends and accepting who i am. i'm really blessed by all my friends.