He looks damn happy with the moneyThe goom n the best man a lot richer
The 3rd brother. So traditionally dressed but the hp and digicam helps us know hes from the 21st century.
Paparazzi shot from behind a bush. the baby is damn cute!
No pockets in my suit. so i kept my hp stuffed up the bottom of the pants cos it was tight enough to keep my hp from falling out.
Taran rigging the wedding car. haha
awww..The "face off" btw the grooms family (walking tws the temple) and the brides family (those waiting outside the temple gate). hahaha...
our most indian picture. had to cover our heads before entering the temple.
check this out! high-tech temple!
After tonnes of unsuccessful paparazzi shots, i finally snapped one of the bride's face.
After the wedding, i rushed down to SAF changi to SAIL! uh huh! I LOVE SAILING! and my dear sailing friends. And i was even happier after i recieved some news. hahah... and Sailing yesterday was GREAT! The wind was just right. Not too light and just strong enough. the waves were just right too. The sun was covered by some clouds, but it was still bright. So overall the weather was wonderful. Perfect day to sail. We took some pictures, but i have to get them from sheryl first.
Later i met up w my hall friend for dinner and drinks. what better way to end the day then drinking some beer at timbre.
Just from living yesterday, i realised i really like my life now. I wish it would be like that for a while more. So many interesting activities and spending time with so many of my friends, doing just whatever i want to do. and sailing!!