Thursday, September 20, 2007
Killer week
This week has just been crazy. I had 2 test, and all my tutorials need preparation. Previously only 1 of my tutorials needed preparation. this week has just been maddness. Well i'm sure theres more to come. I can't wait to go shopping w wq on saturday. I haven't met him in more than a week. haha.. yea it doesn't seem that long but it feels long. ANYWAYS... i'm so glad tmr is friday. I want to go home and eat crab!
charlyn recorded history @
4:44 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Haven't been blogging cos of technical difficulties. Seriously.. my laptop can't seem to access blogger and my home computer is totally screwed. SO i'm actually blogging from sch now as i'm printing my notes. A perfect example of how youths now a days can multi task so well. whahaha..ANYWAYS.... I'm 21! yup, it finally happened. I'm an adult. My party was great because of my friends. Thank you all for coming. and to those that came to help me set up the place, thank you so much. and special thanks to zara, because without her, I don't think i'd have been able to pull this off. she was my right hand woman thru out this whole party planning thing. hahaha.. LOVE you zara!! And thank you GOd, for not letting it rain when i knew You could have let it rain since the sky was so threatening that day. I'll put up the photos when i can.On my real b'day, things started off rather slowly. Nice not to have school on your b'day. :) So i just lazed infront of my tv and relaxed. Ordered lunch frm KFC and ate with my bro. Anyways, I got an sms frm cand saying she was sad, so i went to meet her at 4pm. We had icecream at ben & jerry's. Then zara and WQ appeared with balloons!! It was a wonderful suprise. Thanks guys! :) After that I went to eat CRAB with my family! OMG i love eating crab! of course the day wld have been perfect if i didn't have to go back to hall to do stuff. That sadly spoilt the last part of my day.Overall... it feels good to celebrate my birthday. But the effects of being 21 hasn't really kicked in yet, so i'll let u know when i really feel 21. haha
charlyn recorded history @
4:39 PM