Friday, November 30, 2007
More exam ranting
There are a few things I want to blog about even though I really should be studying since I have a paper tomorrow.1. The first week of the exam period is almost over and I have only finished 1 paper. It is WAY more frustrating then I imagined it to be. Why? I mean I should be happy that I have more time to study and prepare right? BUT people all around me (in hall) are starting to relax cos they have like 2 or less papers left. And when I want to relax, I feel bad cos I still have 4 freaking papers and I should be studying for them. If I had less papers left I won't feel so bad slacking a bit. haiya... this sem is really full of shit.2. Yesterday I had a record high of insect/animal encounters in my room. Within a span of 1 hour a dragonfly (YESSSsss...... DRAGONFLY) and a lizard happily flew and crawled into my room. WHAT is wrong with my room this sem?! I have NEVER had any creatures like that in my room before. the worst last sem was a beetle. like i said... this sem is really full of shit.3. Yesterday was also the 1st time I went to see the YIH doctor in nus. the other time was a compulsory checkup which is not counted. SOOoooo the nurse took my height and weight. guess what? I GREW TALLER!! RAHAHAHA by 2 whole cm! I'm now a grand total of 159.9cm!! take that! hahaha my 2 bestfriends are in total disbelief. I lost weight too. Now every girl is gona think this "she grows taller AND losses weight?! the world is so unfair!" and hate me. hahaha!! I think its all becos of the exams. I don't eat lunch see.. so prolly that's why. Wait till after christmas and new yr i'd prolly be back to my normal weight. Okok so back to the doctor thing. This is one of the times i'm so proud of NUS. The consultation was FREE and the medication was also FREE!!! WHAAAaaa! I've nv been so happy and satisfied after seeing a doctor before. This free clinic thing for students really rocks! Anyways i don't have some serious illness. Just got some rashes on monday night after dinner. Doc says its prolly eczema caused by an allergic reaction. So anyways if u're a NUS student feeling sick i totally recommend u to go see the docs there. its FREE!! haha4. Some guy keeps burping DAMN loudly. Its those gross loud coffeeshop ah peh kind of burp. I think he stays below or opposite me. He did it 3 times as I was blogging the above. Ya so disgusting right. Every time he does it i make a "Eeeeeee" face, even tho no one sees it.Alrighty... I think that's about all for now. Next week is gona pass damn fast. YEAY!
charlyn recorded history @
1:04 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Exam time
I am going to be hungry later tonight. Dinner was chicken rice, but... the chicken was so difficult to cut, like not cooked like that, so I ate like 1/5 of the chicken wing and a little bit of rice. Its never gona last me till the end of tonight. Sighs....Once again, its the exam period. Last week was study break, yesterday was my first paper. Don't ask... you already know what I would say. Anyways... I don't know what is wrong with me. I get so scared knowing people started studying before the study break. BUT i just realised that I was actually one of those people just that I didn't notice it. When people asked me if I had started studying (the week before study break) I would say no. Not that I intentionally wanted to lie to them... but some how in my brain I just haven't started studying yet when in actual fact I did make notes and all for past lectures. I don't know how that happened also. Was I subconsciously studying? I don't know.Anyways, I bumped into mei in school yesterday. We spent some time chatting. We talked about many many things, but here's something that I'd like to write about. 1st, I found out from her... Couples usually meet 2 - 3 times per week. 2nd, they go out and do stuff like watch movies.My bf and I meet about once a week. Sometimes we don't get to meet for almost 2 weeks. Not because one of us is in the army or in jail or something but just that its inconvinent since we're in different schools and we need to study or participate in CCAs. Also... I think the last time I went to watch a movie with him was more than 3 months ago! (our recent attempt last month was foiled) And we've only been together for about 4 months plus?! SOoo what do we do when we go out? the thing is... we hardly go out. What do we do then? We study!! hahaha.. yes, half of the time we meet up to study. I know what you are thinking cos I was thinking the same thing when I realised it... "what a pair of nerds!!! they're totally meant for each other." Yes, my love life seems like such a bore. BUT i actually don't think so. After realizing how different we are from other couples and yet we're happy and normal makes me feel so blessed that I have someone who complements me. Makes me feel like I have a healthy and mature relationship. haha.. Can u imagine if I had an un-nerdy bf who didn't understand my need to study? There would be so much problems there. I'm so glad I have WQ who is so sensible and pushes me to study hard. (he's the nerdier one. hahaha)Well, exams are going to be over faster than I think. My last week of studying flew past. I am still in shocked that it is over. So I think this week, having 2 papers and next week have 3 papers back to back would be over before i can even say "yeay the holidays are here!".
charlyn recorded history @
7:07 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I have the BESTEST parents in the whole wide world! I don't know how they love me like they do. And I love them so much! They had dinner at east coast last night, and they had crab which they did not finish so they packed it and brought it all the way down from the east, to the west at abt 12am just for me! They're the greatest!! I really am so blessed. Thank you God for blessing me with them. :)
charlyn recorded history @
7:09 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Facebook and my weekend
If u're going to read this, be prepared to sit for a while, its a long post about my new found interest in facebook, and my blog worthy weekend which I haven't blogged about so here it is.FACEBOOK:Even though I'm majoring in Communications and NEW media, somehow, I still consider myself relatively technophobic. I dislike trying new technology. Maybe because I think new technology complicates life, even though many times it also helps make life more efficient. ANYWAYS, the new friendster, facebook has been around for sometime. Countless friends have sent me facebook invitations but I just refused to cave into peer pressure and join another friendster. (like I say it'd complicate my already complicated life.... I already have 3 E-mail accounts, IVLE, a blog, countless yahoo groups and friendster to check when I come online) However, I HAD to join facebook. Why? because it was a necessity for a module's project. Yes... Being a CNM major... how did i even think i'd escape facebook. Anyways, the project was to use facebook to communicate with south african students. So i just found out how to use the bare minimum, and didn't bother about adding any applications. There were so many it seemed overwhelming and complicated. Well, it still is complicated. So after being a member for 3 months and after finishing my project, I decided to explore it a little yesterday. Now I know why it is so hot. Its that kind of technology that seems complicated at first, but once you embrace it, you get hooked. Like...blackberries. (aka crackberries). Yup, so I've just been accepting applications friends have sent me and tried to explore them. Its addictive because the applications are never ending. So for all those of you who are still resisting using facebook, I suggest you continue resisting till after the exams. haha...WEEKEND:My weekend was rather interesting. I went for an investment talk with my mum which was damn boring. Then we shopped for wq's mum's b'day present cos it was her b'day that day. I already had in mind what I wanted to get her, but mum is a rather unfocused shopper so she kept giving me new ideas. And when we finally reached the shop I wanted to get the gift from, there were so many varieties it took us 1 hour to finally pick one. And I paid $3.50 for the wrapping!! I have never paid so much for wrapping before. Friends, please do not feel jealous that I don't spend so much wrapping your b'day gifts. This is a special case cos I think I need to make a good impression on this lady (maybe a little too much). The gifts I give you all are always wrapped with my love. hahaha..ANYWAYS... that evening, at about 8.30pm I got lost while driving to raffles town club to pick WQ up. My dad's a member of that club and i've been there countless times but i got lost! It was a truly scary experience as I was all by myself. I took the route my dad usually takes (its a short cut though some private estates which is near a cemetary). It was so dark and there were no street lights at all. I came to a Y juntion and didn't know which one to go to. Both were equally dark and I couldn't see where it led. So I took the right turn, but it didn't seem like it was leading to the private estate because it was totally dark. Then turned back to take the left turn which was actually the WRONG turn. It led me to this creepy place. From a distance, I could see an entrance to some area, and candles were lined up on both sides of the entrance leading into the area. I freaked and quickly reversed all the way back to the Y junction and took the right again. Well apperently I just had to drive a little more to reach the private houses. It was a really scary experience.Later, we went to BH's 21st. It was a suprise party thrown by his gf Sheryl. She's so sweet! She planned and organized everything! I think I should nominate her for a best gf award! hahaha... After the party, as I was driving WQ home, a small roach appeared on my dashboard and made me freak out. WQ my hero at that time smashed the roach with a tissue. Sadly, my hero became my worst nightmare. He taunted me with the roach tissue!! And I was screaming my lungs out. So i made him throw it out the window.but the roach made me all paranoid. I'd jump when my own hair brushed across my shoulder. haha..SUNDAY.....Shimon, Daryl, Dot and I went to Crystal Jade La Mian to celebrate Dot's belated B'day. 2 more years and we'd have been friends for 10 years! how cool is that! I'm really so glad we're all still good friends. :)
charlyn recorded history @
6:30 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Oh man... I was so super angry just now! I had to use all the strength in me just to prevent myself from throwing a bitch fit! This is going to sound stupid because I was pissed cos the lecturer didn't upload the slides until 6pm when the lecture was at 6pm and I actually ran to the printing room after my tutorial at 5.50pm to print the notes which she had not uploaded at that time and then ran to the lecture only to find out she had uploaded the notes during the period i was runing to the lecture. OMG.... ARGHHhhh... it was the same thing last week. I really really NEED the physical notes to pay attention. I was so angry just now that i can't pay attention to the lecture. Yes, this is silly. I think its PMS. I cried over the most silly thing yesterday also. OMG... what is wrong with me?! argh! ok I've complained enough.
On a happier note... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZARA!!!!
Here's a toast to YOU bestfriend! Lots of love!!!
charlyn recorded history @
6:47 PM
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
My little room and other stuff
I've been staying in my hostel for 3 semesters now. I usually go back on weekends, but I spend most of the week in hall. And since this semester I only have a 3 day week, (HA!) I spend even more time in my little hostel room. For the past few weeks since school started, I've been busy as a bumble bee. But now things are starting to mellow and I have time to watch desperate housewives and scrubs on youtube. (youtube rocks!) How is that possible right?! I mean its 3 weeks to exam. Whenever charlene is going to be in her room for the whole day, she studies the whole day. But now....... she watches youtube, surfs the web, read ppl's blogs (i've been reading xiaxue's blog. its super entertaining) and blogging.
Anyways, today is my free day. I studied from 10am till 3pm. And since 3pm I've just been lazing around and reading xiaxue's blog. Firstly, I don't even know her! why am i reading her blog?! Secondly, if i should be reading anything, it should be my text book and notes! goodness!!!
So tomorrow is deepavali, and it means I've got another free day. 2 free days in a row. how exciting. But i think its only exciting if i get to spend it with people and not just stuck in my room all day studying!! So i thought... ok, maybe I'll meet my bf for dinner. However, he's got other plans, like studying. (OMG! we are so meant for each other.)
Luckily, I always have a backup plan. I smsed my mummy telling her i wanted to eat with them tomorrow. She called me to tell me that we shld eat tonight cos they have plans tmr. She adds that we can have CRAB tonight. I get all excited. then... *a mental pail of cold water splashes me back to reality*. I have handball training at 7pm and a hall play meeting at 8pm. WHYYyyyyy!!!!! If only I could just skip the training and delegate away all my hall play sai kang! But sadly this is one of the "rare" times they need my secretariat services to take minutes. ARGhhhhh! I don't know why this hall play stuff keeps getting in my way leh. Remember my b'day? YAH!!!
Haiya... anyways, I've got some pictures to put up. Ever since I got my new phone, with a 2 megapixel (its not a lot, but better than a 1.99 megapixel one) camera and video function, I've been going around taking what i think are interesting pictures and videos. Its super fun. Whoever thought of putting a camera into the handphone is a genius!!
My sister who sleeps in a BOX even tho she has a nice comfy bed. No one sleeps in boxes unless they don't have a home and don't have a choice.
My mum with the largest bruise I've seen on an arm. (Some massage tt went wrong apperently) If i'm the blue black queen then she definately is the empress dowager.
Last sunday at jack's place with my extended family. See these 2 kids were the ONLY ones drinking coffee. Children now a days like drinking coffee. Serene's (girl on left) mum said the funniest thing during lunch. And i quote "If you listen to ur parents u will live longer." Hahaha... how did she make this relation btw listening to one's parents and life expectancy? Anyways, later that evening, we went to aunty nancy's house. She, aunty nancy and I had the most intriguing conversation about hair.
This might be rather small, but it is an animal trap in my hall. Yes, more weird happenings. The animal the hall authorities have been trying to capture is a black cat. The trap has been there for 2 weeks but they haven't caught it yet. Firstly, the bait is a DEEP FRIED CHICKEN WING. HAHAHA!!! maybe they nv watched tom and jerry. tom's fav food is definately jerry, but his 2nd fav food is fish! (milk is his fav drink) Secondly, this cat has not only burrowed its way thru the trash bins, its also burrowed its way into the hearts of girls living in the block opposite mine. They call in Joey? or Zoey? They even brought cat food for it! So the cat is always well fed and doesn't need to, out of desperation, eat the chicken wing. I think these girls also always close the trap door, cos i see it closed sometimes. Aiya.. but as long as the cat doesn't disturb me I'm fine with its existance.
See.. the extent of my bordem has led me to write such a long post. hahaha.. I don't think i've written a post this long in a long time. hahaha..
charlyn recorded history @
4:45 PM
Monday, November 05, 2007
Corn... A veggi we often take for granted. I guess I've always liked corn, but never really paid attention to it since it can be made in a crazy variety of ways. So one day last week, I just came to a realization that corn is delicious and I love it! Corn really does taste darn good. And since there are so many various ways to make corn, i'm sure one of them would appeal to you. Meaning everyone likes corn one way or another. I like ALL of them so far .(except the kind tt's in mixed veg, cos all the other veg spoils its taste). Anyways, heres all the various ways I think you can make the corn we take for granted, some of which we even forget are made from corn! I can't exactly decide which is my fav, cos I actually really do like them all. If you reflect a little, I'm sure u'd find that corn lover in you too! 
Corn on cob. (What we usually think edible corn looks like.)

BBQ corn

Corn w pork soup. (The chinese version of corn soup)

Cream of corn soup. (The ang moh version of corn soup)

Baby corn. (Super nice when fried w other green veg)

Cup corn! (YUMMY!)

Sweet corn ice-cream. (in my top 3 fav ice-cream flava list)

Corn chips. (Yea, I think doritos are made from corn)

Popcorn!! (Imagine what the movies wld be like w/o tt constant munching of popcorn?!)

Corn flakes!!!! (Some ppl eat corn everyday w/o even realizing it!)
I felt so amazed when I sat down to think about how many things were made from corn, and how much i actually like them all. hahaha! :) I think no other veggi has had such a success. Look at carrots. they're similarly shaped as corn, but they fall short of corn's glory. What can i say... CORN ROCKS!
charlyn recorded history @
5:03 PM