Thursday, December 27, 2007
The after Christmas miracle
I just checked my results. It truly is a miracle. Like all the other 2 sems. God really works miracles! I am still in disbelief. I know every sem I fret like crazy, and my poor friends out there have to keep reassuring me that I'd do ok and I know God always blesses me, but I still worry anyways. I guess it can be really irritating. I'm sorry, friends and family for annoying you with my constant fretting over my studies, and thank you for putting up with all my nonsense and encouraging me. Thank you God for blessing me. I am so happy. The beer in my fridge won't be used to drown my sorrows anymore. hahaha...
charlyn recorded history @
10:07 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Oh Holidays
charlyn recorded history @
10:24 PM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
FINALLY!!!!! Sem 2.2 is OVER!! I'm gona be yr 3 next sem! woohoo!
My paper today sucked. I really hope other ppl also cldn't do it. 60% weightage. 60 MCQ questions. If it was really biology I may have been able to flip the book for answers (open book) but even though I had really organized notes my brain was disorganized, More then 20 questions I didn't know how to do at all... as in I read the question and my brain was a total blank. Almost all the other qns i needed to refer to the notes. Sighs.. I dun understand why people say general bio is easy. IT IS NOT! I really hope i can get a C so at least when i S/U it, i can get the S grade and pass it. sighssss!!!
On to better things, my holiday has officially begun. I am so excited, yet quite bummed that it's only gona be such a short while. I moved out of hall today with the help of WQ.
Haha... the olden days of packing items still work today!
Ok I actually got some other random pictures to post. Taken from a few weeks back
THis is what i cut from my head. A lot of hair. Like 2 - 3 inches. I split the hair into 2 parts at the back of my head, brough it forward and just SNIP. but i kinda regret now cos i remembered that i wanted to keep my hair long for christmas. but in that moment of boredom i forgot.
Salad topping that looks like hamster food.
In the menu, its not very clear, but theres this dish with a SUPER long name and its damn funny. Taken from some HK cafe in clementi. The dish name is " Capsican Cheezy Chiken Chipolattas Thick Toast" I duno why, but i found it damn funny.
WQ's watch and my watch given to me by him. Couple watch. hehehehhee..... *semi shy giggles* hehehehheeee
charlyn recorded history @
11:21 PM
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
What some people wear to exams
its RIDICULOUS! I know i'm not some fashion guru, and some times what i wear may seem weird to other people. But i always think that people should dress appropriately for exams because exams are important. Having finished 3 papers this semester, I have waited outside the exam hall 3 times. And when I observe the other people waiting outside the hall too, I get shocked at what some of them are wearing.1. The superbly over dressed kind. Where they wear as if they're going clubbing. The shiny or silky tops or low cut, short dresses. With the extremely thick make-up and fake eyelashes (wha liao... go for exam still need to put fake eyelash is damn kua zhang to me la. I duno why these ppl spend the few precious hours before the exam dressing up instead of studying) and the well blown hair. And the 3 - 4 inch high heels. Wha liao.. the exam hall is damn cold i don't know how they can keep warm since they have so much of their bodies exposed. A simple shawl or sweater will not do la. If i wore what they wore to take my exam, I would need a big blanket to keep me warm can.2. The superbly under dressed kind. Where they wear like as if they're going to the beach, or going to the market. Like i said earlier, the exam hall is so freaking cold. Super short shorts and tank top leaves too much to cover.3. The superbly chui kind. Aiya.. actually this can be seen everyday in NUS. I don't wana specifically say who, but as I describe I think you can guess. The kind that wear a lot of lace and poka dots. Mismatched colours like lime green and shocking pink. They would wear 3 quarter pants, court shoes with socks all the way up to the mid of their sheens. It seems quite exaggerated, but i saw one today and I had to mentally prevent my jaw from dropping. Then some don't comb hair, and it looks like as if the last time it was washed was last week. yes... it would be quite a turn off if you have to sit behind that person.So after all that pointless critism of how some people dress for exams, here is what I think people should dress for exams. Jeans, t-shirt and covered shoes. Plus a nice thick sweater. A winning combination that can't go wrong. It would keep you nice and warm, and you would feel all comfortable while doing your paper.
charlyn recorded history @
5:25 PM
Sunday, December 02, 2007
If only the world really revolved around me
Today... we (zara cand and i) compared heights and this is the resultZara: taller than charleneCandice: taller than charleneCharlene: shorter than zara and candiceWHAT???!!! I am 159.9cm leh! How can I still be shorter than candice? I mean zara has always been taller than me. But candice n i still comparable (she's gona challenge me to that. haha) ANYWAYS... there must be a reason why they are still taller than me right? So the only conclusion i could come up with is that they must have grew 2cm taller too! therefore they are still taller then me since we ALL grew! HAHA! (wad did u think i was gona say? the nurse measure wrongly ah? how can! she's a nurse leh! if she measure height also measure wrongly how can she be trusted to give injections and handle medication, thus her mesurements MUST be CORRECT!) hahaha Today was the singapore marathon. WQ and his scout friends (some of which are also my sailing friends who introduced us to each other) went to run the marathon. 42.195km!!! I can't even begin to imagine how long that would take me. With my current fitness level, 42.195 METERS is about the distance I would start getting a stitch. hahaha... Anyways, I am so proud of him. EVERYONE, MY BOYFRIEND RAN 42.195KM TODAY! haha...Ok, the last thing I have to say today is.... I LOVE MY BLOG ADDRESS. I have never mentioned it before, but i really love it. What so nice to love about it? Firstly, how many people can have such an uncomplicated and easy to remember blog name like mine?? (except those who started blogging when blogger was still relatively new in 2003, like me. haha)Secondly, its my name! ok not really my real name, but parts of my name joined together. (Its the first part of my name and the last part of my name joined together.) Thirdly, its like I kind of have an online alter ego! hahaha... like how wendy cheng's blog's online name is xiaxue, mine is charlyn! hahaha! of course her blog is much more well read then mine.Lastly, I'm the ONLY one in the WHOLE entire earth who's blog has the address!THERE! how can I not love it. :)
charlyn recorded history @
7:44 PM