I haven't blogged in quite a while. You know, people who own blogs always say stuff like that. haha.. But when I write in my own hard copy diary, I would also say the same thing like "i haven't written in such a long time" or somthing like that. Is it crazy that i have a blog and yet still keep a pen written diary? Hmm.. no it's not that crazy, obviously i keep a normal diary cos i got dirty little secrets i don't want the world to know about. then why do i keep a blog? actually i think its for entertainment. I'm just writing this stuff for the fun of it. I also don't know why it is fun, but some how it is. Maybe just rambling on is the fun of it. and maybe having people (even tho there may not be many) read your thoughts and parts of your life is fun. hahaha..
OK... getting on with the real bloggish stuff....
My holiday!!
well.. it wasn't exactly what i would call spectacular. But i would say i enjoyed it. I think i just took things real slow, hung out loads with WQ. we watched a record high of 3 movies during the holiday! that's more movies in 1 month then all the months tt we've been a couple added together. haha...
Had 2 stayovers. 1 at my house with zara since our parents were away. we did like TONNES of baking which was so domesticated and highly uncharacteristic of zara and i. but it was so much fun. haha.. here are some pics. the cookies look so super good right. hehehe

Stayed over at candice's house after the new year. I think it was also a rather domesticated stayover with the "cooking" we did for our dinners. hahaha... Actually we mostly just made the salad. and cand's maid did the rest. we also tried to make fondue, but our first attempt failed HORRIDLY. but it was hilarious.
Yea, so nothing earthshattering happened during my holiday. didn't go anywhere, didn't work, didn't really do much, but i guess the reason was cos it was just too short. still, i don't think i really had a day tt i just sat in my house watching tv all day long, which was very good.
Oh... the festivities were good too. well, like i said, nothing spectacular, just a simple ordinary chirstmas and new year.
I haven't wrote my usual reflection of the yr tt passed and my resolutions for the new year. I think mainly cos i haven't really tot of them yet. sighs... i don't like this aimless feeling. Ok, i shall go ponder some more before i write again which prolly will be soon, since sch has started. meaning i would need a lot of entertainment to keep me sane.