Tuesday, February 19, 2008

CNY 08

I had the best v.day EVER! since i do not have the photos and this post is about cny, i shall blog about it another time. but i just had to say that i really did have the best v.day EVER. :)

Sooooo... on to the real post.
CNY is almost over and i haven't came up with a new year resolution and a reflection of 2007! Damn.. once CNY is over i'll have to wait till the next new yr which is deepavali? haha..
Day 0.
Conned WQ into studying with me when i actually just wanted to see him. He came over to my house and then under the slight suggestion by my parents, volunteered to paint the staircase. while i painted the design on the stairs. But its not finished yet. from that day until now.. haha..
(This is not the stairs tt i'm painting. This is another wall i painted about 1 month back.)

(The finished product. I think my stairs is gona look as nice as this!)
Later after he went off, my family went to my da gu's house (which used to be my grandma's house) for home cooked family dinner. I really love her cooking. Reminds me of my grandma's cooking which is really delicious. And we always have duck and chicken. My two favorite edible birds.
Day 1.
The usual bai nian with my parents.
(Wrong way to hold oranges)
(The right way gets a thumbs up from dad)

Then we went off to my da gu's house again where we met up w my dad's siblings then went off to some old auntie's place we go ever year but i'm really not sure how she's related to me. (I think ever kid prolly has this problem where they dun really know how some ppl they visit every yr are related to them.) Later we went to my mum's eldest bro's house.
(my Cousin Joyce)
(My favorite brother)
Then to my dad's eldest bro's house for a fantastic steamboat dinner. They always have endless supply of scallops and abalone!! and their dishes are always so fresh. it's usually the best meal of my CNY. then we watched ratatoui? i don't know how to spell it. That rat movie. haha.. cos its the rat year!
Day 2.
Went to my mum's auntie's house for lunch like we do every year. the food was cooked by her cousin. (Lohei!)
And what i like best is that she always cooks CRABS!! and this yr her crabs were humongous!
(This t-shirt has a story: WQ n i went shopping one day. He saw this shirt and said "Charlene! theres a shirt tt says i love crabs! How cool is that. It doesn't say I love chicken or prawns. But I love crabs. Its perfect for you!" So i looked at it and i was like ya!! And i bought it. Then a few days later i took it out to look at it and i realised it does not say "I love crabs" it says... "I love carbs!" DARN.... -_-)
(The adults all busy pointing people into their positions while the kids are feeling all sian)

(Finally.. a nice shot)
Then we went to my mum's boss' house like we've always done since i was born. can u imagine tt!
Then in the night we met with my mum's siblings again for dinner at some resturant. (also another tradition)
Day 3.
WQ came over bright and early to bai nian. Then we went over to his house to bai nian. His relatives are really generous.
Later on, after lunch he sent me back. And then i went to my dad's youngest brother's house for dinner. My little cousin which is 19 yrs younger than me now has nicknames for me (Charlene Angel- which i like a lot. haha. And Charlene bus- which i like less. but he really likes buses. Which 2yr old boy doesn't?)

Day 4.
Then my whole family went to novena. We cldn't find anything nice to eat cos there were so many shops tt were still closed. So we ended up eating pepper lunch. haha.. it was quite funny.
And then we went to the crematorium to pay respects to my maternal grandparents. And we ended up having really morbid conversations on how my parents wld like us to take care of their departure.

Then we went to my dad's boss' house which was really amazing. I don't know how to descibe to you. but it's just amazing. The way he constructed the house and designed it. Every single room is different. I absolutely loved the whole concept.
In the night, we went to cand's house for dinner. As usual, there were CRABS!! I love crabs. :)

I think this yr's CNY went extremely well. No fighting, lots of good food, lots of family time and lots of tradition.

charlyn recorded history @ 8:18 PM

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Funshine agony

ah!! siaks! I didn't by this and now all i can think about is buying this!

Funshine bear!
I saw it at the school bazaar and it was like $20 for a super small one, and i am not a collector, or a soft toy person, so i didn't buy it. But it is soooo cute. and all i can think about now is buying it! maybe i should have just bought it. I mean if i really liked it i should have right? cos $20 is like the price of eating a meal at some resturant. So if i can spend $20 on food tt wld be digested in a few hrs I cld have spent $20 on funshine bear that wld accompany me for as long as it doesn't get lost or decompose. Which wld prolly be a long long time. OMG... listen to me. I am going to be 22 in a couple of months and I am fretting over not buying a toy! argh...

Oh man.. why is it that we always want what we don't have?

Soooo today is v.day. and i'm sure school is just flooded with hearts and flowers and excited people. Luckily for me, I do not have school today and will not drown in the sea of hearts and flowers.

My v.day this year wld be like most of all my other years, dateless. But yet, its a special day because today wq n i have been in a r.ship for 7 months! So its v.day AND 7 mths. I don't have a date tonight because he has a test tmr and i have an assignment to hand in and an early start to my friday. So we have postponed our celebrations to saturday. WQ got me something like 2 weeks ago. And i have been constantly guessing what it is, to no avail. And i have no idea what we're gona do on saturday.
I am so excited! i love suprises!! haha...

charlyn recorded history @ 1:35 PM

Friday, February 01, 2008


I just uploaded a video of my sister's friend's hamster. She was babysitting it for 3 weeks, and the hamster was a stunt-hamster in disguise as a normal hamster. haha... Ok.. we were just highly amused by it.

I think animals can be so funny. here's another one. I took this picture of a cat trying to camoflouge at my estate's car park. Can you spot it? haha

charlyn recorded history @ 2:43 PM


"messy is sexy"



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