Friday, March 28, 2008
the cute guy in my purse
My dear friend Daphne and I were having this conversation today. Mainly we were complaining about the lack of cute guys in NUS. When we were in poly, we used to think that np had so few cute guys. Then we came to nus, and there were even less here! So i told her, how we realize we were so fortunate to have those few cute guys to ogle over in poly only after we came to NUS (which is like a cute guy desert) and found out tt there were even fewer!
And just as soon as i said those words, I realized... Why did I need to think about looking at other cute guys (other than for fun). I had a really cute guy in my purse, in which i keep my phone, in which the cute guy's picture is actually in. But saying i have a cute guy in my phone is such a give away as a title tt's why i decided to say in my purse which is rather indirect but sounds nicer too.
Ok anyways getting back to the point... In actual fact, I didn't just have any cute guy in my purse. The cute guy I have in my purse is also the reigning NTU sports king! *brag brag* hahaha
And one of the sweetest guy on earth. (Yes he is, even tho he actually just ruined our saturday plans. which is actually not his fault but somebody has to take the rep. hahaha)
Uh huh.. I cld just ogle over this. :) haha
charlyn recorded history @
10:55 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Know your target audience
The key to successful marketing is to understand your target customer and know their needs and their wants.I think the key to being successful in most things may actually be to understand your target audience. When you focus your attention and energy on giving people what they want and not what you want to give them, that's when the results always seem to be the best. It's just strategy. For example, if you want to do well in school , you follow instructions and give what the teacher wants you to do. What for go about doing what you think is correct when it doesn't count at all? why spend the effort trying to make something outside of what the teacher/ syllabus asks of you? Why not concentrate on understanding what the teacher wants and do just that. You would probably do much better than someone who rationalizes otherwise. It applies to life in general. We have so many different target audiences. Family, relatives, friends, teachers, neighbours.... etc. In order to get along with them and communicate effectively with them, we have to understand them first.Another thing not connected to the above...Yesterday during my media writing lecture, the lecturer was talking about writing for video games. He showed us this interactive video game where a couple who are ur friends are having problems. They invite you for dinner. From there, you can just type your responses and you become part of how the story and game continues. So you could try to patch them up, tear them apart or don't do anything.This is so silly. Isn't life complicated enough? Don't people have better things to do? I can understand why people like to play those games like aliens or war... cos its an imaginary world where you want to experience things you would never get to experience in real life. But what is with this simulation of real life? I can't understand why people will find this kind of game fun. It's just beyond me. Don't everyone have problems of their own already? Like even people who play this game because they are bored and have nothing better to do, i think that in itself is a complication in their life they should spend time resolving. Instead of playing this game.
charlyn recorded history @
2:02 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
it's tt time of the sem
Everyone's saying it.Project datelines approaching, assignments, tests, presentations... and exactly ONE MONTH TO EXAMS!Everyone just needs to get by. Last saturday, there was a health scare that happened in my family. Sometimes, we only start to realize how precious the people we always take for granted are, when we think we're gona lose them. Isn't it always like that? How people only start to treasure something when they know its gona be taken away? How we suddenly express an increased amount of love and care towards that person? I just feel so glad and relieved that I'm losing no one. But this incident has really shaken me, and I'm gona do my best to treasure the people I love.
charlyn recorded history @
3:40 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
I want to buy new shoes
I want to buy new shoes,
my slippers just won't do.
I wear them everyday,
and they last less that way.I want to buy new shoes,
and I haven't got a clue.
To buy the kind for school,
or make my toes go blue.I want to buy new shoes,
I can't decide its true.
One for practical use,
the other gets the views.I want to buy new shoes,
oh please don't make me choose.
When both of them fit right,
you'll understand my plight.I want to buy new shoes,
and I don't like to lose.
I want them both, yes two.
Please buy them for me, Pooh.
-END-I know you must be thinking that i'm too free, can write poem about shoes some more. But i was just thinking about it during my walking and bathing time today. I actually quite like writing poems. I think they're really fun. And its my personal policy that poems should rhyme all the time. I really dislike the kind that do not. (So many singaporean poets do that. and i think it makes the poem so boring and unfun to read.)
charlyn recorded history @
10:31 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Charlene's weather forecast
The temprature now is 23 degrees. And it probably would be for the next three hours. Look at this map i got from the NEA. its POURING EVERYWHERE!!!!
And for the next 3 days, its gona be raining like this too!! What is happening to our sunny singapore?!Its becoming so gloomy and depressing! It's MARCH! we should have sun galore to suntan, swim and sail. but now........In the not so distant future, i predict that singapore is gona SNOW! Its march, our supposed hot period, averaging about 32 degrees usually, is 23 degrees right now! when it's december, our cold period, usually averaging about 23 degrees, its gona be 12 degrees! And if it continues this way, in 50 years we will be having winter wonderland in december! I know you think i'm exaggerating, but i have heard that people living in those 40 storey HDBs in toa pah yoh have seen snow cos they're so high up, but it becomes rain as it drops to the ground. So brace yourselves everyone, if you see that super nice furry hooded winter jacket and think "Singapore is so hot, i'll never be able to wear that!", i urge you.... THINK AGAIN!
charlyn recorded history @
7:05 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I can't decide when to take a shower. Its so cold cos its been raining the whole day. And i'm in hall, and hall has terrible heating system. oh man...i really hate to shower when its cold.Yesterday, while having a discussion about our project, we discussed ways to save water while bathing. 1. Take a shower, don't bath in a bathtub2. Bath using a small scoup to scoup water out of a pail instead of showering3. Use a wet towel to wipe yourself4. Don't bath using water at all, power bath.That discussion was hilarious..
charlyn recorded history @
7:16 PM
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
The rainy days
Just last week it was sunny. And this week, since the weekend has been just gloomy, cold and wet. What happened to my sunny singapore? How is it that we're in march and it feels like december?
I've been having a rather shitty week.
1. I got rejected from the civil service intership. WHY?! seriously!! Ok.. i think i can kinda guess why. maybe cos i listened to instructions and only put up my latest semestral results when everyone else didn't listen to instruction n put up all their sememster's results. So they thought i only did one sem? or maybe i wrote that i love singapore in my "describe yourself section" and they think i'm nuts. Those are the only 2 reasons i can think of why they would reject me. They said i could reapply but the link is not working. I think they secretly just don't want people to reapply.
2. I had a fight with this guy in one of my project groups. I shall not elaborate too much here cos thinking about it makes me boil. I was really angry because he submitted our outline late to the lecturer cos he misread the dateline of the submission, and his attitude about it really pissed me off. Shit like that hasn't happened to me before. Goodness. The last time i worked with someone with that kind of attitude was in poly, and at least he was good to look at. haha..
When i was complaining to WQ, he said the funniest thing. and i quote him "No guy should make you so emotional, except me." He says the darnest things! haha..
so yea, i think those 2 things for the first half of the week is quite a lot to bear. Plus i got a test later at about 7pm. SIGHS... I have no idea why i don't feel like studying.
Ok, onto something happier.. it was cand's b'day last saturday. We were supposed to go to Botanical Gardens for a picnic. but........ it rained like crazy. Our plan B was to sit in one of those shelters at botanical gardens. But judging from the unfortunate raining situation that day, we had to resort to plan C cos plan B would probably be wet.
So our plan C picnic went something like this....
Zara n I at NTUC packing our picnic basket
Candice having no idea about plan C's location
Her captors
Zara's hands make bad ear muffs. Candice could still hear the constuction and the lift. haha..
Tada! Plan C was a picnic in my living room which was transformed into a mini garden by bringing numerous plants inside. haha.. It was really fun!
charlyn recorded history @
11:41 AM
Sunday, March 02, 2008
My Valentine
Super late post on my valentine's day.
So i was saying how i won't be spending w anyone right? I was wrong. WQ came tt evening w KFC to suprise me. hahaha... even tho it was only KFC it was really really sweet for him to come all the way down frm ntu (he has to take a Bus, then MRT n bus just to reach nus).
Ok... so on saturday when we were supposed to have our big date, WQ came to pick me up at 5.45pm. I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing or what present i was getting. And i absolutely love suprises!!
So... this is where we went and what we did:
All the presents! He got me a teddy bear wearing a t-shirt w our faces printed on it. hahaha... its really cute. I got him the funshine bear for half the price they were selling it at school, a laptop bag n a transformers key chain. haha..
He made all my fav food!
In the pot is the most exciting dish of all!!

CRAB!! he cooked CRAB! omg... *touched tears*
Yes, we went on a picnic. I think it was damn romantic. hahaha.. and super sweet of him to cook everything, even tho he had a little help frm his mum n sis. I'm really impressed. :)
I'm so happy! :)
charlyn recorded history @
10:57 PM