Working is so darn tiring. Some days, theres so much to do that you feel just drained. Some days, theres nothing much to do that you feel so sian. Either way, its tiring. So far my internship has been quite fun. I get to wear jeans and slippers! haha.. Actually I have a nice pair of shoes hidden under my desk just in case I need to meet some people and slippers wld be inappropriate. Anyways, I went to KL last weekend with my family. It has been a long while since my WHOLE family spent so much time together. Tho i must say there really wasn't enough time to shop. And plus i already bought so many things from the GSS that when i went there, i had to restrict myself.Btw, for those of you who don't already know, i'm interning at an advertising agency, not a leather shop (so many of my relatives thought so cos the agency has the same name as a leather shop. haha)Here are some ads I came across n totally loved. check it out. 

Amanda and Mark points at me everyday. (the picture was there pasted on the desk before i came)