Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Santa Cruz
Let me introduce you to Santa Cruz. My new obsession.
White with Blue Prints

White with Chocolate Print (sounds yummy huh?)


Short desciption of the shoe from Crocs' website:• this laid back shoe provides casual beach style• slip-on shoe with a canvas upper• variety of color combinations allow you to personalize your look• croslite™ footbed conforms to foot creating custom fit (This looks very enticing on its own)I wana get this shoe! BUT... its abt $80!! Its overpriced for a canvas shoe! However, its really really comfy AND it has a name! how can i resist a shoe that has a name. (My current shoes with names are "cartoon print" and "ballet phoenix" both i bought with consideration that they had names!)
So i need help. Please tell me if i shld get it. Those of u who read my blog, now wld be a good time to tag n tell me if I shld get it. I need a vote. ALSO, pls tell me which colour i shld get. I'm thinking of the one with blue prints.
charlyn recorded history @
6:02 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
if the world hates you...
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me." John 15 : 18 - 21I was brought up in a christian environment and many of my friends and relatives are christians. I didn't know anyone having a problem with me being a christian. But as I grew older and got more exposed to the world, I realised that being a christian sometimes really isn't easy. Sometimes people may dislike you because of your faith. It is tough and sometimes I wonder why. So this passage that was brought up during sermon yesterday answered some of my questions and really encouraged me.
charlyn recorded history @
3:39 PM
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Pre-thesis topic thoughts
For those of you who know me personally, before uni, you wldn't believe i'm gona write an honours thesis. I wldn't believe i'm gona write an honours thesis. Its really some sort of miracle. Maybe its not really a big deal cos ppl write honours thesis all the time, but it kinda is to me. I only got 200 for PSLE and here I am today being academically "inclined". WHAHAHA... All the thinking about what to write for my thesis makes me feel so smart. haha.. even tho I'm close to thinking my brains out and I still haven't came up with a topic yet. I mean I kinda have, but then i'm unsure of it n stuff. My proposal is due in 2 weeks, and i'm still thinking about my topic. MAN! Researching is helping a little, but its really quite boring. And when i'm bored I do silly things like facebooking and singing stupid songs with seriously retarded actions. Even my sister is irritated by me. SIGHS! I'm hoping to get some inspiration by watching some tv, but everyone knows how that's gona work out. :( I seriously have to think of something soon. I'm gona see my prof tmr! aiyaiyai! Anyways.. went to see sheri off on tuesday. I'm so sad she's gone back to auz. We had such an awesome time tgh in singapore. I really hope all of us can make it to melbourne next year to celebrate our 10years anniversary! It'd be so awsome.ok... back to thinking.
charlyn recorded history @
3:22 PM
Friday, August 01, 2008
Hanging out with my sec sch friends these few days has been super fun!Early on tuesday morning, we went to MacRitchie to kayak. Gosh! I haven't kayaked in a really long time. It was superbly fun! 

Going for supper has also been really fun. Catching up and re-telling old school stories..

Birthdays..Zhi Yang's long overdued b'day celebration:

Mei's first b'day party:
The first time 4 of us w our bfs!
Tioman trip:

The gang

WQ bought me a sand castle set! :)

A lovely suprise worthy of a kiss


This trip was way too short.
charlyn recorded history @
3:00 PM