I haven't blogged in a month!
Here's a quick update. I didn't have a very merry christmas at all. I was sick! How horrid! The day I was looking fwd to since july.... and i got sick. I almost didn't make it to church that day.
Luckily, I did manage to go to a party the week before christmas. The one the sailors held at my house. It was really fun! We played pictionary! (finally, we play something else other than twister! hhaha)

The yummy meal!
The sailors were really into the whole little nonya fever... thus the name of our groups:

Team Nonya

Team Baba

What do u think this is?
Anyways my holiday is over. To be exact, 3 weeks over. It feels like i'm in week 6 of school now even tho its only week 3. I feel so busy! I'm busy with asking ppl to help me do surveys for my thesis. I even dream about how I am going to ask ppl to do surveys for me in my sleep! Gosh... I think i'll only rest in peace after this semester is over.
Ok something other than school. CNY holiday just passed this week. I had quite an unconventional CNY this yr. First, my reunion dinner was 1 week before it was supposed to be, because my big aunt was going on holiday during CNY. So, no traditional reunion dinner on the 25th at my big aunt's place. Than 1st day of CNY also didn't visit anyone cos my big aunt not ard to organize the events of the day. but also cos quite a few ppl passed away on my dad's side last yr, so no visiting them since they're not celebrating. So 1st day of CNY was just spending the day with my family. We ate lunch at KFC! haha... than went to the marina barrage. If u haven't been there, u shld go! its really beautiful and they have a really cool museum! After that we had our own little family dinner at the soup resturant. Day 2 was quite traditional, (mum's side) went to my grandaunt's place, mum's boss house than mum's side dinner. Nothing really exciting happened.
Last week, I went to the volvo ocean race with the sailors! I had so much fun!!! they had so many activities going on and I got to see the boats! Also, joel won $1000! it was totally random. Like he didn't do anything, a lady pulled him on stage n gave him $1000 (cheque). Seriously. It was as simple as that.
Here are the pictures!
the boats!at the simulator ride just before joel got $1000 richer
This is really tough!
Felt like a hamster