Monday, March 30, 2009
I want to eat......
I have a sudden craving for a lot of food and I wish I could just go out and eat them all tonight!
1. Double boiled chicken soup, either from ding tai feng or cooked by my mum
2. Spicy salmon hand roll
3. Double boiled (any soup) from sing min
4. Haagen daz green tea ice-cream
5. BBQ chicken wings from bishan st 22
6. Salted egg yoke crab
7. Paper prata with chocolate sauce and sprinkles
8. Rojak from tpy
9. Century egg porridge from the boss
10. Cocktail sausages
11. Honey baked ham
12. Honey glazed/black pepper roast chicken from cold storage
13. Sweet popcorn with cheeze from GV
14. Abalone (hahahaha)
15. Gummy bears
16. Fish ball
Ahhh... I am not hungry actually but i really really want to eat these food right now.
charlyn recorded history @
9:31 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Scary sunday
I had the biggest scare today.
Recently I go back to hall on sundays after lunch. Since I go for service earlier than my parents and take the bus, they will usually bring my back-to-hall bag with my laptop and files when they drive down to church. So today was no different. Only that after lunch when my dad went to take my bag from the car (I was getting a lift from my uncle back to hall), he couldn't find it. When he came back to the waiting area without the bag, he said he couldn't find it and asked where my brother put it cos he was the one who carried it out of the house.
So we all went down to the car to look for the bag. When they confirmed that it wasn't in the car but my brother did bring it down, my brain just shut down and I started crying. My laptop + thesis file + the thumb drive that contained the backup copy of my thesis was in the bag! And my thesis is due in two weeks so I was damn kan chiong about it. Then my bro suddenly pointed out that my dad lent the car to someone this morning. And my dad was like ya, uncle jo. So we quickly got in contact with him. Which led to my mum calling aunty evelyn cos she was still with the people who sat in the car. Luckily the bag was with them. They had mistakenly took my bag and gave me the biggest heart attack. Like even after locating my bag and confirming that it was in safe hands, I was still crying cos I was just so scared that it got lost. haha... I know I'm very drama, but the importance of the items my bag held were really irreplacable. I'm really so glad it wasn't lost. I really don't know wad I would do man....
charlyn recorded history @
8:32 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Completed all 5 chapters
Hello friends, I have finished the first draft of my final chapter, meaning that I have written ALL chapters of my thesis out already! although I prolly have to rewrite parts after my supervisor is done checking my work. BUT i'm really really really happy! I see the silver lining. I am a week behind my schedule, but luckily I left a little buffer time when I set my schedule. Everything is tight, but i'm really happy right now and I will only be like that for less than 24 hours cos at 1pm tmr I will be getting back chapters 1-4 of my 2nd draft. SUPER scary but i will not think about that and just be happy tonight.
Ok on to something unrelated...
I somehow stumbled upon Weiquan's old blog (not updated since 2007 June) while looking at dennis' blog. SOo I found a post about the night we first met in dec 2006!!! hahaha... (he didn't specifically blog about me. In fact, NONE of his post up to June 2007 contained ANY HINT of me at all.. guess he wasn't that crazy about me. hahaha.. okok so here is the post. (only posting the interesting part)
Wednesday Went to Zouk. Ladies night.. Wooh.. so many gers (WTH?! so many gers?? I thought I was the only one you danced with? you better explain this!) plus I got to c so many of my army frenz.. Saw the cadets who juz commissioned.. They’re going to report to camp at 8am in the morning, but I still see them at Zouk until 4am. Wonder how they’ll survive at work..
I decided.. NO MORE CLUBBING!! Why cuz.. I juz can’t stand the way eugene and cg (Eugeney!! This is your fault! if you nv make fun of him he would have asked me out earlier! haha) keep saying that I am despo and indecent.. Hey guys.. I did nothing overboard ok.. juz dancing mah.. If that makes u guys think that I am despo.. den I might as well not club cuz when u go clubbing u go there and dance with gers mah.. (You don’t find an OLD INDIAN Man and start grinding him right? That’s more sick) Anyway I had fun, so I’m not gonna care abt the comments.. Juz no more clubbing!
Hahaha.. AND now... just for fun, let's compare his post with MY post:
Wednesday: Back to hall again to redesign the poster which was rejected, then had PR comm meeting which was rather short. but got to meet up with mei for a while. I miss them(mei, mag, jan). Then in the evening i met up with my sailing friends for dinner at ms clarity which is a super cute place. then we went to zouk. i dun think i can be an alcoholic cos i'm damn bad at drinking... i met this cute guy. whahaha.. ok.. i feel quite shameless..haha..
I think this is hilarious! How we both actually blogged about that night but so differently. btw friends who didn't know, yes we met at zouk. hahaha.. Shocking I know.
charlyn recorded history @
9:47 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I hate how much I love you boy
I can't stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can't let you go
And I hate that I love you so
Hate That I Love You - Rihanna
charlyn recorded history @
7:25 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009
This is how I feel right now
Btw, if you don't know, my thesis is on dengue prevention messages. AND the headache it has caused me really stabs like this for hours on end. But this is all my fault. I practically begged the mosquito to bite me.
charlyn recorded history @
11:48 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I got back my 2nd draft from my supervisor on friday. I have a lot a lot a lot of work to do. I was damn depressed yesterday cos after working the whole day, I had almost no progress. So when my parents came to pick me up from hall around 7plus, I was feeling extremely down. As we were driving out of my hall, my mum noticed a rainbow in the sky. The sun was setting already and it was at 7.20, yet there was a rainbow. Then on closer observation, we realised there were 2 rainbows in the sky. How rare is it to see 2 rainbows , what more at 7.20 when the sky is almost dark. Mummy said that God put them in the sky to cheer me up. :)
Everything is gona be alright.
charlyn recorded history @
6:42 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
This is gona be a very bitchy post about the stuff people do on facebook that I absolutely can't stand! Yes, I know that people on facebook are supposed to be my friends or at least people I know. BUT sometimes the things they do on facebook just annoy me to no end (so far most of my good friends don't do such things, thank goodness.). I know I can just ignore them and don't read their stuff or see their pictures. BUT I always have this urge to go see just how annoying they are. I don't know why I like to annoy myself. hahaha...
Anyways... what's up with the facebook "what's on your mind" thing. The area where you can type stuff and it shows up on all your friend's newsfeed home page. Why do people like to announce their life stories there. Like "i'm taking SQ**** tonight to America via Tokyo, coming back on 30th march, taking SQ****" OR "just ate dinner and very bored, so going to watch tv than sleep". Or the kind that update more than once a day, like "going for class now", 5 mins later... "in class now..very sian" 1 hour later "Yeay, class ending, can go home already". Like seriously... why they got no life ah? I mean the details they give are just to unncessary. Its like they have nothing better to say but they just want to say something. (feels like what I do in class to get participation points). Plus, they aren't really answering the question "what's on your mind?". Also, if they have so much to say about their lives, why don't they just do so on a blog? HUh?? Why must they flood my facebook homepage and take up space that could have been used to display my other friends' status that are actually entertaining and meaningful. Sometimes I really feel like deleting these people so I won't have to read about their entire life.
Another thing that irritates me is the pictures. Why do people like to take pictures of themselves acting chio or handsome and post it on facebook? I seriously can't stand it when they try so freaking hard by making their eyes very big giving that "innocent" look. I think its not so bad if the person is actually good looking, cos I think good looking people are probably more narcissistic and people prolly like looking at their pictures cos they're good looking. BUT if the person is not good looking and dedicates a whole folder to their act chio/handsome pictures... it just makes me wonder why. I mean if they want to see how they look, can't they just take to self-admire and not upload? Unless they actually think they are really good looking and thus want to share the pictures with their friends... -_- (this kind of thing is the reason why taran and i wanted to start a mirror business in poly. haha). Sometimes people just need to know their place in the world. This picture thing also happened when friendster was in, but its worse on facebook, cos their pictures are displayed on your homepage when you enter.
Argh... so annoying right!
Ok on to something else quite random, theres this crazy cool shoe I found online recently and I just wana share it with all the girls....
Convertible heels!!
I think its extremely cool and it looks really nice too!
charlyn recorded history @
5:31 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Why I so liddat...
haha... hello, it's me again. I'm supposed to be extremely busy but than I keep blogging cos i'm super sianzzzzzz... I stay in my room all day to think and write about my thesis which is... still behind time and its so scary I really just want to get away and stop thinking about it. So let me entertain u all by telling you the retarded things i've been doing recently. I know I always do retarded things, but there has been a recent spike and I don't know why.
1. I told my groupmate tt I'd meet him the next day at 12 and he said 12 is ok even though he could make it at 11. So the next day, I went to school at 11 when I was supposed to meet him at 12. I waited for 15mins n smsed him. Only to realise, before he replied, that I was supposed to meet him at 12. -_-
2. I was peeing in the toilet when suddenly my pee became really loud. And I was like omg what's going on man?! Then I realised it was the person in the next stall who turned on the shower. -_-" -_-"
3. I was having breakfast today in hall with some ppl. The guy beside me was trying to convince the girl opposite him to go to the NUS open house to check out cute JC guys. And I was telling them not to bother cos I was there the last 2 yrs and NO CUTE GUYS, cos they're like in army and they look really cui cos they're like bald. And just as i said tt, I turned to the guy directly opposite me and realised tt he doesn't really have much hair, so i instictively said sorry to him and everyone started laughing. It was really embarrassing trying to clear tt mess up, cos the more I tried explaining myself, the worse it got. -_-
4. I was having proj meeting last week to come up with safe sex campaigns. So one of the pictures we wanted to use was of a blown up condom bursting and we need a good camera to shoot that. So 2 ppl asked different questions at the same time. 1 asked "who has a good camera" and the other asks "who's gona blow up the condom"? And I raise my hand and say ME. They chose to think I was answering the second question when I was answering the first. -_-
Man.... I think I need to start taking more vitamins for my brain.
charlyn recorded history @
11:53 AM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Weiquan lurvees Me
hehehe... He really does. :)WQ just popped over to my room to suprise me as he was doing some receeing thing for his bike rally. I was so happy to see him! Its so depressing being in my room the whole day long. Even though he only came for 10 mins cos there were other committee members waiting in his car, I'm really touched he came. He's been really busy this week cos his bike rally is this sunday. So we talked like only 2x this week. Naturally, I missed him a lot and got really clingy when he called last night. I spoke non-stop for like 10 minutes so he won't put down the phone. haha.. Well, I was really clingy just now too. I tried to lock the door so he couldn't leave. haha.. Yes, I'm a very clingy clingy girl. Thank goodness WQ is so cool with it and indulges my clinging. haha.. I'm still smiling now cos he came. I don't know why he has this effect on me. hehe...Ok this is such a mushy post.
charlyn recorded history @
11:56 PM
Are my shoes really ugly?
charlyn recorded history @
12:12 AM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Learned helplessness
I got so much things to do... I feel so helpless that I don't want to do anything at all...
I really need to graduate. I wish I didn't put so much pressure on myself. But than again.. I really want to do well and be somebody. Like... the first professor who cannot count and cannot spell. hahah... Aiya... but seriously.. everything is lying on this thesis I'm writing and I just feel so sick of it. I wish I had more than 4 weeks. I can't stand the thought that I'm so FREAKING behind my schedule and I'm feeling so insecure. Maybe if I stopped thinking so much about the grade I would actually be less stressed out. BUT what is the point if I don't think about the grade? than where is the motivation? omg.. I'm driving myself crazy. If only I could write like how I write in this blog for my thesis. Well... than my thesis would be a bunch of rambling nonsense with a TONNE of spelling errors.
How many times have I said thesis in this post?
AIYAAAAaaaa..... okokokokokok... one more month and it will be all over. May be all over for me too.. :( DOn't worry, I won't do anything too stupid if I don't do well. I'll prolly cry for a few weeks and be depressed for a while. So dear friends, pls be prepared for the worst. Spare some of ur tissues and hugs for me. Thank you.
charlyn recorded history @
11:41 PM